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General Data Protection Compliance

At Lake Street Dental, we take your privacy seriously and are committed to safeguarding your personal information. Our website chat feature operates in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that your data is handled with the utmost care and respect. Here’s how we uphold GDPR standards in our website chat:

  1. Data Protection: We only collect and process your personal data when necessary and with your explicit consent. This data may include your name, contact information, and any details you share during the chat.
  2. Transparency: We provide clear and concise information about why we need your data, how it will be used, and for how long it will be retained. You have the right to know what data we hold and can request its deletion at any time.
  3. Security Measures: Lake Street Dental employs robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Your information is stored securely and is accessible only to authorized personnel.
  4. Data Minimization: We collect only the data that is necessary for the purpose of the chat. We do not request or store excessive or irrelevant information.
  5. Consent: Before engaging in a chat, you will be asked for your explicit consent to collect and process your data for the stated purpose. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  6. Data Access and Portability: You have the right to access your personal data, and upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the data we hold in a commonly used and machine-readable format.
  7. Data Deletion: If you no longer wish to have your data stored, you can request its deletion, and we will promptly remove it from our records, subject to any legal obligations.
  8. Data Breach Response: In the event of a data breach, we have procedures in place to promptly assess and report the breach to the relevant authorities and affected individuals, as required by GDPR.

Your privacy matters to us, and we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of data protection. If you have any questions about our GDPR compliance or how we handle your data in our website chat, please do not hesitate to contact us to

Thank you for entrusting us with your information. Your trust is important to us, and we will continue to prioritize the security and privacy of your data.